This is the other half of Tim's brain. The left side. He's been pretty busy lately with work deadlines so he hasn't had much time to think about anything musical. He also is leaving for Seattle tomorrow to be the best man in one of his greatest friends weddings. He will be gone for four days so in the meantime he thought it would be an opportune time to drop a little Bl'ast! on you. He was reading something on Lo-Res Viscera about skateboarding in the 80's and listening to Bl'ast! so he did just that, except the skating took place in his mind. You know those silly right brain types, always fussing with things that arent real, day dreaming, ideas, etc. etc. I am the side of the brain that is more concerned with real things. This writing business isn't for me.
Well, the sonic assault of California's Bl'ast! is pretty real. Theres no doubt about that. A few spins and you will know just how real it is. They say that Bl'ast! was more Black Flag than Black Flag, or the later parts at least, so I hear, but thats a load of conjecture. All I care for is hard facts. And its a hard fact that Bl'ast! rules.
Tim's capricious Right Brain will be floating back this way sometime next week, when hes done partying in Seattle and drawing silly little elephants on surfboards back at the office.
For now, feel the realness.
This has been a message from Tim's Left Brain, Bl'ast! and the letter 'B'

Bl'ast! - The Power Of Expression (1986)

Bl'ast! - It's In My Blood (1987)
PS! - Check out the links on the right. We added some new ones and I even made sure Mr. Right Brain spelled everything correctly. I also made him alphabetize it. Silly guy, what would he do without me?
This is the other half of Tim's brain. The left side. He's been pretty busy lately with work deadlines so he hasn't had much time to think about anything musical. He also is leaving for Seattle tomorrow to be the best man in one of his greatest friends weddings. He will be gone for four days so in the meantime he thought it would be an opportune time to drop a little Bl'ast! on you. He was reading something on Lo-Res Viscera about skateboarding in the 80's and listening to Bl'ast! so he did just that, except the skating took place in his mind. You know those silly right brain types, always fussing with things that arent real, day dreaming, ideas, etc. etc. I am the side of the brain that is more concerned with real things. This writing business isn't for me.
Well, the sonic assault of California's Bl'ast! is pretty real. Theres no doubt about that. A few spins and you will know just how real it is. They say that Bl'ast! was more Black Flag than Black Flag, or the later parts at least, so I hear, but thats a load of conjecture. All I care for is hard facts. And its a hard fact that Bl'ast! rules.
Tim's capricious Right Brain will be floating back this way sometime next week, when hes done partying in Seattle and drawing silly little elephants on surfboards back at the office.
For now, feel the realness.
This has been a message from Tim's Left Brain, Bl'ast! and the letter 'B'

Bl'ast! - The Power Of Expression (1986)

Bl'ast! - It's In My Blood (1987)
PS! - Check out the links on the right. We added some new ones and I even made sure Mr. Right Brain spelled everything correctly. I also made him alphabetize it. Silly guy, what would he do without me?
Thanks for the link. But just to clarify, we fall under the "friends" category, not "lovers". Okay?
good stuff...have fun in seattle
oh burn. you just lost a lover.
have fun in sea town, and tell your friend congrats (i'm guessing it's the same one i met when you were in town last). i'm pretty damn sure we will be seeing each other in october, but if you feel like you need to make a journey into your southeastern slum of a neighbor (aka jersey, nothing new about it), it looks like i will be heading there in august with mates. i'll keep you posted.
oh and btw, did you get those gnr leaks i sent your way?
in get in the van rollins wrote about them. said something along the lines that they're a horrible rip off of black flag.
funny, rollins was in a horrible rip off of black flag as well, what were they called, oh yeah, black flag.
Blast were awesome. "Power Of Expression" was my favorite record in'86. I saw them a couple of times, between the Anthrax and Albany, NY, and they were great-- Dan Armstrongs and all. They kinda were dicks, though (at least the singer was).
Buske, just to clarify, i got love to "go around" not to "reach around"
yeah Jay!, it was Fooch's wedding. it was a good time. I can't believe he is married!
Bl'ast! does sound like Damaged era Black Flag, but certainly this cant be a bad thing. especially since Black Flag went so awry in these eyes. Some people love My War. Both halves of my brain dont. I think it is shite.
This is great, as I only have "Take the Manic Ride" LP and a video of "Surf and Destroy" copied off 120 minutes when I was in high school. They definitely had the "Wound Up/Black Coffee" rhythm down, especially on POE, but if you step back and take them in without the obvious references, then they were pretty damn good. How awesome would they be if they were a new band playing today? And honestly, these recordings sound better than anything recorded by Spot - or did he record these albums as well?
I dont think Spot did these recordings, if I remember correctly.
One of the things I like about these two records is that they do sound so much like Damaged. Except they stand on their own too because the songs are a little longer and they play with some interesting rhythms here and there.
If this was a new band I bet they would be one of the biggest things on the scene.
Hey Tim! I'm just getting all my favorites back after I lost my computer to flooding...massive...massive amounts of flooding hahaha. 3 feet of basement in the water isn't fun. Hope you had fun in Seattle where the rain isn't coming through your windows. Hopefully be coming back here for more stuff to stock back up on my itunes hahaha.
awwww shit man! sorry to hear...
let me know what I can help you out with... I'll do my best. I should be much more free next week and for the few weeks after...
Seattle was great... beautiful weather too!
Who's heard the new Envy/Jesu split?
It's about three to thirty generations removed from hardcore, but y'all should like it anyway...
(it's on Sordo)
damn i have to come here more often. I'm missing al this stuff.
Hope everything is Okay?
Peace from Holland
hey blend, hope you're well.
this is for you and everyone else who likes Hoover, The Crownhate Ruin, post-hardcore, and so on - I'm hoping to do a collaborative review thingy of Until The Eagle Grins on my blog. To contribute, all you have to do is just write a few words about your particular favourite songs, songs you find especially interesting, etc., from the album, and I compile them all together into the one post. Best part is, I'm going on vacation for a couple of weeks shortly so you'll have plenty of time to think about it.
Read more here:
off topic...i have been looking for the SMALL DOG FRENZY ep with "This Sail"..this song is amazing andi need it on my ipod...i have the LP if anyone remembers them or wants it..i also found a link to listen to the song:
anyone have any atombombpocketknife?
I don't know, but I just don't think of Black Flag when I listen to Bl'ast. Maybe I should spend more time making sure that I apply context to the albums I listen to... but I am okay at listening to this and saying, hey I can imagine this as the precursor to Rorschach and Downcast and Groundwork... but I just can't look back and see Black Flag. I was playing pinball earlier today to Six Pack! I like Black Flag, but Six Pack is what they are to me. And Six Pack is inline with the songs that tracked the surf flicks I spent my youth absorbing.
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