My Apologies

I have been extremely neglectful of the site lately. I apologize to those of you that I have promised reviews to. I still have a number of great things coming up and then I want to get back into posting some older stuff.
Coming up soon:
Dogs of Winter
Bad Actor
We Only Said
Secret Wars
There are a few other things I need to go through as well. So if you are one of those people, reviews are on the way.
I havent been online much these days but if you are ever interested in seeing what I have been listening to, please check out my on the right. Im usually scrobbling music all day, every day and you can write me and say "whatsup" and ask me shit if you want. I also belong to a group there called Album of the Month, which has a hardcore flavor. So feel free to join and get to know those fine people.
If you have a band that you'd like me to check out. I can only say it will be a while before I can even think of promising a review. After the bands listed above I plan on delving into a large catalogue of hardcore that I have been jamming to lately.
As always, there are tons of records being released all the time, and so many of them rule. So always keep your radars on and search search search. There are some new blogs added to the roster on the right, and those people keep up on their posting quite a bit more than me, so give them some traffic and stop back in a few days to see my next post.
Thats all. Thanks for reading. Lata!!