Gimme Sound - Free Music, Good Causes
Whats up people! I hope everyone is having a nice summer so far. Mine has been tight and it never ceases to amaze me that whatever I anticipate any summer to be like, it always turns out so unexpectedly, and never for the worse. So things are good on this end, and I'm here to share the newest in free files sharing with those of you, like me, who feel that great music makes the summer days even better.

Gimme Sound is a new site that allows labels and bands to host their songs and albums for free download and still get paid through some light and inoffensive advertising techniques. The even better part is that part of the proceeds go to a charity of the bands choice. Very cool! I am not a master of how this plan exactly works, though I am sure if you wrote to some of the label owners, like Magic Bullet Records, Mylene Sheath or Excursions Into the Abyss, they may be able to give a bit of lowdown on the actual process, if knowing is half the battle for you... or something. :P
On a basic level though, what this means for you, the listener, is that you get free downloads of full albums from awesome labels, often in 320kpbs. The idea of this site has been done before, but Gimme Sound is hosting some really quality acts and the best part is that for each song you download the artist gets paid at a fairly reasonable rate. In other words, if you see any of these albums for download anywhere else, then you owe it to yr self and even more so, to the bands and labels, to make a free account on Gimme Sound and make sure that these amazing artists are being supported while you still get to have yr cake and eat it to. Its obviously a very cool idea and I personally would like to know more about how it works, and would especially like to see more of this kind of creative approach to the ever changing music industry.
I would like to take a few moments to go over some of the more exciting ones I have come across. Though I urge you to search around and see what else is offered besides what I mention, as often the labels entire works are available for free download.
In the post rock realm, Mylene Sheath has put most of their current releases up and aside from the two below, that includes releases from Beware of Safety, If These Trees Could Talk, et al... But the two best options, IMHO are:
Caspian - Tertia

Caspians new albums is well worth the wait. They continue with their amp worshiping post-rock meltdowns, producing some of their greatest songs to date. La Cerva and its companion song, Ghosts of the Garden State are are both moving and cathartic. Of Foam and Wave is a quick grower with epic washes of sound. Frequent show closer Sycamore is also present here in wonderful form to close out the album. The rest of the new songs are just as tight and really, if you havent seen Caspian yet, then you owe it to yourself, as they are seriously one of the few instrumental rock bands worth hearing these days.
Gifts From Enola - From Fathoms

Gifts From Enola made waves with their first album a few years ago. Made by themselves in their dorm rooms, they displayed an incredible knack for dynamics without ever sacrificing play ability and catchiness. Harder than most instrumental bands without bending into the "post-metal" field of things, From Fathoms finds GFE greatly expanding on their sound, adding subtle electronics, even more subtle vocals, and a slew of amazingly written songs with their new guitarist and drummer. They have clearly gone in their own direction with this one and From Fathoms just continues to deliver on so many levels. They are touring right now, and will be playing Brooklyn this Sunday, the 9th. Come out and hang!!
In the more post-punk/post-hardcore vein, Excursions Into the Abyss, has been up to some new stuff lately, and if sources are correct (they are, trust me, from the horse mouf!) there are going to be some seriously exciting things coming up on this roster, so keep yr eyes and ears peel'd. The current thing that excites me is:
Morrow - S/T

Morrow are from Bloomington, Indiana, and play a brand of rock and roll that touches on many sub genres to create an rich, textured and emotional sound. One part Pygmy Lush, one part Three Mile Pilot, one part Nick Cave and a few doses of post-hardcore mixed in make for a very unique yet extremely pleasing sound. Morrow is a new band, but its members have been playing music in the post-hardcore vein for years. Their debut CD displays an uncanny knack for whipping you over the head and wrapping you up in fuzzy blankets, all while delivering some of the best lyrics I have heard in a while. Lyrics are dime a dozen these days, so its always nice when something resonates and pleases the ears at the same time. Definitely grab this and give it a few spins. The first two songs are a mission statement of sorts, but the rest of the album continues to build on those themes and proves to me more and more amazing with each listen.
Magic Bullet Records, out of Virgina, aside from having post-rock faves This Will Destroy You and Lymbic System for free download, also has some great hardcore and indie stuff going on. Check these out and see what else they have up!
Kaospilot - Shadows

Kaospilot are from Norway, and while I had heard a bit of stuff from this band a few years ago, I had kind of forgotten about them until I heard just today that the new album is out, and obviously the band is still around. And let me tell you, this album is a fucking rager!! Sick, heavy and creative as hell. Lots of screams, lots of stuff to get angry about and lose yr shit over. I am definitely impressed as it seems while these guys were keeping low, they were obviously perfecting their craft of shredding brains. Apparently they are working out a tour to the US. So pay attention for dates to follow.
A City Safe From Sea - Throw Me Through Walls

A City Safe From Sea is a Massachusetts band with a lot going on in terms of sound and hooks. While I had never heard of these guys before, (save for the fact that guitar player Daniel Danger is a great artist that I have been following for the past few years) I feel it is safe to say that this is one amazing record, both in terms of production and song writing. So many hooks!! and such a great attention to detail went into every song. Its apparent that these guys spent a good deal of time crafting this album and its well worth your weight in salt to check this out if you ever liked anything from Meneguar, Joggers and bands of that ilk. Though I'll just say it right now, pretty sure this kills Meneguar at this point... It's still new to me, but damn, it feels so good! Abrasive when it needs to be but flowing and mellifluous the rest of the time, chugging along with hearty smiles. I look forward to a chance to see these guys.
Golden City - 10"

This is one that should get some people frothing. Im pretty sure a good cross section of you loved Christie Front Drive, and from what I often hear, a good portion of you also loved Antarctica, both featuring the song writing and singing of one Eric Richter. Its no surprise then that his new band, Golden City is yet another amazing addition to the more indie side of things in the punk/hardcore world. Eric clearly has a gift for writing these kinds of songs. Imagine an upbeat, more grown up version of CFD and Golden City is just a stones throw away from that, never trying to be something its not, and never trying to reinvent the wheel, but instead realizing that the strength of this music relies on the delivery and song writing skills of those involved. I am unsure of who is playing with him, but Im pretty into this album and this stuff doesnt always go over well in my book, but like I said, Eric has been doing this for years and if I have to choose someone to continue this heartfelt style of music, than I vote for him to be the one to do it. (Speaking of Daniel Danger, he did the artwork for this album.)
So!! Thats a bunch of awesome and varied albums to download for free with the added benefit that the bands and labels are still getting paid and ever donating to charities that are doing things to better this world around us, instead of just continuing to act as cogs in the capitalist machine that the record industry seems to love being.
Remember also that these are all actual physical releases as well. Meaning you can order vinyl, CDs and other merch if you like to have a physical copy of things. The cool thing about that is that, say you want to buy the Gifts From Enola 2xLP from Mylene Sheath (which is completely worth it due to its awesome artwork and vinyl treatment) you can buy the record from the band or label, and then you can still go to Gimme Sound and download the songs to have for yr iPod and the band gets paid twice. Im all for supporting these hardworking and talented musicians who seem to do what they do out of a love for the craft. If anyone deserves the cash flow, it is these types of bands.
Spread the love, repost on other blogs, tell people on message boards and tell yr friends and loved ones. This may be another chance to subvert that great dinosaur of a record industry we've all been aiming to take down for years.

Gimme Sound is a new site that allows labels and bands to host their songs and albums for free download and still get paid through some light and inoffensive advertising techniques. The even better part is that part of the proceeds go to a charity of the bands choice. Very cool! I am not a master of how this plan exactly works, though I am sure if you wrote to some of the label owners, like Magic Bullet Records, Mylene Sheath or Excursions Into the Abyss, they may be able to give a bit of lowdown on the actual process, if knowing is half the battle for you... or something. :P
On a basic level though, what this means for you, the listener, is that you get free downloads of full albums from awesome labels, often in 320kpbs. The idea of this site has been done before, but Gimme Sound is hosting some really quality acts and the best part is that for each song you download the artist gets paid at a fairly reasonable rate. In other words, if you see any of these albums for download anywhere else, then you owe it to yr self and even more so, to the bands and labels, to make a free account on Gimme Sound and make sure that these amazing artists are being supported while you still get to have yr cake and eat it to. Its obviously a very cool idea and I personally would like to know more about how it works, and would especially like to see more of this kind of creative approach to the ever changing music industry.
I would like to take a few moments to go over some of the more exciting ones I have come across. Though I urge you to search around and see what else is offered besides what I mention, as often the labels entire works are available for free download.
In the post rock realm, Mylene Sheath has put most of their current releases up and aside from the two below, that includes releases from Beware of Safety, If These Trees Could Talk, et al... But the two best options, IMHO are:
Caspian - Tertia

Caspians new albums is well worth the wait. They continue with their amp worshiping post-rock meltdowns, producing some of their greatest songs to date. La Cerva and its companion song, Ghosts of the Garden State are are both moving and cathartic. Of Foam and Wave is a quick grower with epic washes of sound. Frequent show closer Sycamore is also present here in wonderful form to close out the album. The rest of the new songs are just as tight and really, if you havent seen Caspian yet, then you owe it to yourself, as they are seriously one of the few instrumental rock bands worth hearing these days.
Gifts From Enola - From Fathoms

Gifts From Enola made waves with their first album a few years ago. Made by themselves in their dorm rooms, they displayed an incredible knack for dynamics without ever sacrificing play ability and catchiness. Harder than most instrumental bands without bending into the "post-metal" field of things, From Fathoms finds GFE greatly expanding on their sound, adding subtle electronics, even more subtle vocals, and a slew of amazingly written songs with their new guitarist and drummer. They have clearly gone in their own direction with this one and From Fathoms just continues to deliver on so many levels. They are touring right now, and will be playing Brooklyn this Sunday, the 9th. Come out and hang!!
In the more post-punk/post-hardcore vein, Excursions Into the Abyss, has been up to some new stuff lately, and if sources are correct (they are, trust me, from the horse mouf!) there are going to be some seriously exciting things coming up on this roster, so keep yr eyes and ears peel'd. The current thing that excites me is:
Morrow - S/T

Morrow are from Bloomington, Indiana, and play a brand of rock and roll that touches on many sub genres to create an rich, textured and emotional sound. One part Pygmy Lush, one part Three Mile Pilot, one part Nick Cave and a few doses of post-hardcore mixed in make for a very unique yet extremely pleasing sound. Morrow is a new band, but its members have been playing music in the post-hardcore vein for years. Their debut CD displays an uncanny knack for whipping you over the head and wrapping you up in fuzzy blankets, all while delivering some of the best lyrics I have heard in a while. Lyrics are dime a dozen these days, so its always nice when something resonates and pleases the ears at the same time. Definitely grab this and give it a few spins. The first two songs are a mission statement of sorts, but the rest of the album continues to build on those themes and proves to me more and more amazing with each listen.
Magic Bullet Records, out of Virgina, aside from having post-rock faves This Will Destroy You and Lymbic System for free download, also has some great hardcore and indie stuff going on. Check these out and see what else they have up!
Kaospilot - Shadows

Kaospilot are from Norway, and while I had heard a bit of stuff from this band a few years ago, I had kind of forgotten about them until I heard just today that the new album is out, and obviously the band is still around. And let me tell you, this album is a fucking rager!! Sick, heavy and creative as hell. Lots of screams, lots of stuff to get angry about and lose yr shit over. I am definitely impressed as it seems while these guys were keeping low, they were obviously perfecting their craft of shredding brains. Apparently they are working out a tour to the US. So pay attention for dates to follow.
A City Safe From Sea - Throw Me Through Walls

A City Safe From Sea is a Massachusetts band with a lot going on in terms of sound and hooks. While I had never heard of these guys before, (save for the fact that guitar player Daniel Danger is a great artist that I have been following for the past few years) I feel it is safe to say that this is one amazing record, both in terms of production and song writing. So many hooks!! and such a great attention to detail went into every song. Its apparent that these guys spent a good deal of time crafting this album and its well worth your weight in salt to check this out if you ever liked anything from Meneguar, Joggers and bands of that ilk. Though I'll just say it right now, pretty sure this kills Meneguar at this point... It's still new to me, but damn, it feels so good! Abrasive when it needs to be but flowing and mellifluous the rest of the time, chugging along with hearty smiles. I look forward to a chance to see these guys.
Golden City - 10"

This is one that should get some people frothing. Im pretty sure a good cross section of you loved Christie Front Drive, and from what I often hear, a good portion of you also loved Antarctica, both featuring the song writing and singing of one Eric Richter. Its no surprise then that his new band, Golden City is yet another amazing addition to the more indie side of things in the punk/hardcore world. Eric clearly has a gift for writing these kinds of songs. Imagine an upbeat, more grown up version of CFD and Golden City is just a stones throw away from that, never trying to be something its not, and never trying to reinvent the wheel, but instead realizing that the strength of this music relies on the delivery and song writing skills of those involved. I am unsure of who is playing with him, but Im pretty into this album and this stuff doesnt always go over well in my book, but like I said, Eric has been doing this for years and if I have to choose someone to continue this heartfelt style of music, than I vote for him to be the one to do it. (Speaking of Daniel Danger, he did the artwork for this album.)
So!! Thats a bunch of awesome and varied albums to download for free with the added benefit that the bands and labels are still getting paid and ever donating to charities that are doing things to better this world around us, instead of just continuing to act as cogs in the capitalist machine that the record industry seems to love being.
Remember also that these are all actual physical releases as well. Meaning you can order vinyl, CDs and other merch if you like to have a physical copy of things. The cool thing about that is that, say you want to buy the Gifts From Enola 2xLP from Mylene Sheath (which is completely worth it due to its awesome artwork and vinyl treatment) you can buy the record from the band or label, and then you can still go to Gimme Sound and download the songs to have for yr iPod and the band gets paid twice. Im all for supporting these hardworking and talented musicians who seem to do what they do out of a love for the craft. If anyone deserves the cash flow, it is these types of bands.
Spread the love, repost on other blogs, tell people on message boards and tell yr friends and loved ones. This may be another chance to subvert that great dinosaur of a record industry we've all been aiming to take down for years.
I heard about this a couple of days ago, but just in general terms. thanks for the rundown of good releases!
joined up and got the Kaospilot album. always thought the original s/t was one of the best screamo albums I ever came across. tried to get the Caspian but it's not available in Europe, they prefer you to pay for it via their label there (fair enough).
I'll be sure to spread the word!
hey gabba! good to hear from you! yeah, that caspian album is a good one. if you liked that last one than this may be even better. definitely check a city safe from sea. that one shines out. :)
i hope all is well out there!
agreed on those two mylene sheath releases... got the gifts from enola not long ago (great stuff!), and just ordered the caspian, which i haven't heard yet. can't wait to get it in the mail...
Oh yes!, thanks a lot for this Blend.
I recommended the KAOSPILOT band. The norwegian rock is always killer. Shame that these bands hardly visit South America (sniff).
Being Honest I've read about KaosPilot in another blog but because of the name it gave me some type of poser type of gimmic.. now that I;ve seen it recomended her I might give them a try.. thanks for posting this Blend.. Jeremy From DR
Yeah i love the site! i actually found some austin lucas releases that i could not find anywhere else. blend77 and gabba i still see that you two are doing well with your blogs that is good, you both dont cease to amaze me with your knowledge.
i gave Morrows a shot. theyve got a similar sound to Murder by Death, but much darker with a little Pinback in 'em. classy stuff. thanks as always Blend
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