sense field

sense field - s/t
i went through a little phase where i was really into revelation records stuff, especially the 1st shelter album, when i was at the record store and saw the cassette of this album i snapped i t up. i was like "wow, new krishna-core band on revelation, gotta be good!" so i paid the 8 bucks and went on my way. i popped in the tape and heard non-distorted guitars and clear singing!!! i was like, crap what have i done???
i was thinking this was the new live album but throwing copper was just released. but i decided to give it a chance since i had worked almost 2 hours to buy it. i ended up loving this record and its still one of my favorites today. this cd was actually their demos and at least one turned up on their next album. their future albums were good but didnt grab me like this one did. im glad i didnt try to return it or throw it out the window.
the band formed from the hardcore band reason to believe and the vocalist later fronted further as forever as their third vocalist.
ohhhh wow! i used to love this band! they were kind of cheesy but i seriously liked them. I still have Killed For Less (which i should post in conjunction with this one) but i had this one on tape and it got crushed in my car, and al my efforts to find it have proved hollow.... lol!!
thanks for posting it, maize!
ps. sorry, i enlarged the artwork. i always thought it was a good cover... no disrespect to you, though. ^_^
pps. after Killed for Less they went downhill pretty quick. Rebuilding has its moments, but anything later was sappy radio rock...
no problem, it was the first one i came to when i googled it, i thought it was rather small myself. if i recall correctly the lettering and picture were raised, but i cant remember if it was on the lp and cd or just one of them. i owned it on all 3
haha!! yeah, cd universe sometimes has great large shots... and too... but i usually just google it...
i think the tape was raised type, but i may be wrong... it just seems like something that should be embossed, you know...
reason to believe was probably one of the best bands ever. the first show i ever saw was uniform choice and reason to believe in 88 (i'm old). their 7" was good, but their LP was mind blowingly amazing. jon bunch had a great and very distinct voice for the time. the main drawback (and i may be dating myself even further here) was that they were one of the first overtly "christian" hardcore bands. i hate to break it to alot of the kiddies out there today, but that kind of thing was heavily frowned upon even up into the mid/late 90s. anyway, obviously sensefield stemmed out of reason to believe and the jesussy stuff became a little more prevelant. (definitely not krishna). haha. this cd was actually pretty good, if even just to have a new jon bunch singing record. killed for less was even more watered down, and everything that came after was virtually unlistenable. i threw up a little in my mouth when i heard he was fronting further seems forever, but i guess that makes sense seeing as though christians and hardcore kids are indistinguishable these days. sorry to offend, but whatevs. reason to believe was awesome though...haha.
do people still need the rights reserved LP? i am thinking of doing a big NC post if anybody "gives a shit."
i would really like the Reason to Believe LP, did you ever post that? I got the 7"s you posted, but thats it...
yeah, thats right, they were christian. haha!! i thought that was weird... fuck christians! haha!! (i was raised Catholic, so dont get upset)
the song Sage is so good!! i think my girlfriend is gonna like this stuff. LOL!!
i like a bunch of that old christian punk/hardcore/metal. some was good, some tanked.
I never really could get into this band much..guess its the catholic school upbringing...
PH...yes everyone is still wanting that rites reserved that shit so ppl will stop begging!
catholicism ruins religion.... learning about the history of christianity ruins it even more...
I TOTALLY TOTALLY GIVE A SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lol @ having an intelligent conversation about religion...
impossible...people's feelings get hurt and then, well, it ceases to be intelligent and more about who's views are "most correct"
This should be interesting. I discovered Sense Field with the album "Building", which took a while for me to like, but because I didn't have much else remotely like the sound (Texas is the Reason and Elliott would have been the closest) I came to love it. Later on I bought "Tonight and Forever" which for me, was so bad that I basically forgot about looking for anything else they ever did, of which I've heard nothing. Also, at the time I heard Jimmy Eat World's "Static Prevails" which I also think is excellent (still don't know what i think of Bleed American), but then they put out "Futures", which also makes me uninterested in digging up anything else they've ever done or will do...
i saw sensefield open for the descendents on their first reunion tour back in 96, i thought the singer sounded like richard marx and i spent the rest of their set trying to figure out how they were on revelation. i didn't realize they were all christian, that doesn't really bother me (other than i still frown on christian "punk rock") what bothered me was their horendous cover of the misfits "20 eyes" and that voice that made me think of wretched adult contemporary radio.
richard marx!!! LOL!!!!
right now I have a mental picture of Richard Marx in danzig misfits makeup singing 20 eyes!
gotta tell ya...its pretty scary
finally found it:
rites reserved - s/t lp
I uploaded this recently...
Reason To Believe - "When Demons Dance, Reasons Sleeps"
here's the reason to believe demo:
thanks for the right's sweet...
you are a god amongst men
i think killed for less was amazing for the moment. the first time i saw those guys was with into another back in 96 or so...i was so sooooo stoked....then i progressed into a bummed state after hearing the side project whirlpool which was some poppy crapola. building was pretty good i guess...i saw em again in atlanta at a house show on the jimmy eat world/mineral tour and it was just plain weird. i still have killed for less on vinyl and bust it out once a year or so....then after a couple songs quickly take it off the turntable and whip myself repeatedly for a few hours...(that wasn't meant to be a christian pun...just because i feel like such a pussy for liking them so much...)
can this get posted as mp3's?
my CD is scratched to hell!!
DDN: I was at that Mineral/Jimmy Eat World/Sense Field house show in Atlanta. This was a hilarious show because Jimmy Eat World's manager faxed a tour rider to the house requesting a dressing room, a catered meal, a shower, etc. for the band. Mind you, this was at a house show. Tour riders = not too punk. Regardless, the show was killer.
I saw Sense Field again on tour with Hey Mercedes in 2004. There must have been 10 people in the band. It was nuts, and not in a good way. It was adult contemporary, overly-pretentious pop. And the four guitar players and 2 percussionists didn't make it any better.
Someone mentioned Elliott earlier in this post. Anyone have their first ep and cd for Revelation?
if they do -
u.s. songs -
false cathedrals -
Thanks for posting Elliott!
I agree for the most part but...
Building is, for me, the best Sense Field album. The 2 others are very good but it's a bit experimental. Remember that the song Building opened the in flight compilation in 96 and I think it's for good reason. It was the climax for all the post hardcore genre. "Love is building", what else can you say after that ?
After Building, Sense Field fell apart and all the genre fell apart, leaving us with the awful "emo" sound. Anyway, Revelation had the best music in the mid 90's : Farside, Whirlpool, Texas, Shades Apart, Into Another, Iceburn. It's the golden age for Revelation but the spirit is gone after that. This is classical music of the modern age.
Eu amo.
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