Thursday, August 16, 2007

Cease Upon the Capitol w/ Third Memory - Live @ Cake Shop, NYC

So this shit should get you all frothy and hot in the pants...

Went to go see Cease Upon the Capitol last night (hence the clever post-title). Their recent 2007 EP has been one of the goddamn jams of the summer, thanks to the wily fuckers over at PV. I was so hot and bothered over the whole thing that I had to go an order it up as soon as my grubby fingers could type the address. I figured why not go to Cease Upon the Capitols website to see if I could order it directly from them. Sure enough, emailed em, and they got back to me within the hour saying they had about 15 of them left. I ordered the s/t LP too, since I figured I couldnt go wrong with it. The drummer, Ryan, told me they would be in Brooklyn coming up in August and that they were playin with The Third Memory. He said I would really like The Third Memory if I didnt know them already. So I told my friend Sean that he had to hear this EP and he had to come see the show with me...

Fast forward to last night. Somehow we went back in time without even realizing it. I make my way their, stuffing pizza in my face and reading Harry Potter while walking down Houston. (Dont talk smack, Potter rules my life right now. I must be going soft in my old age.) When I get there, Yes, Sensei is opening up. They were pretty good, screamy punk hardcore of the variety we all seem to love. They could go places, so keep an eye on them...

Cease came up after that and immediately tore into our faces with sick death metal paced hardcore. Now mind you, I dont mean "actual" death metal. If you can see where I am coming from, alot of these "screamo" bands have an aesthetic that while totally different in the outcome, utilizes alot of aspect of Death Metal and Grind in terms of drumming and picking styles... Of course the melodies and the lack of muted chords and solos changes the face entirely. Cease managed to bring a full sound with only three members and they played every song absolutely incredible. The three members all share screaming duties and what a racket they made. Their sense of melody and dynamic is impressive. How they can go from a crazy blur to a soaring peak in a second flat.. Truly great. They closed with their epic Untitled track 10 from the new EP, and that was the end. Out of the 20 or so people there, I'd say we all had an immensely good time.

Time for The Third Memory. They are from France, and remaining true to their country, they sing in French. What else would you expect? Well, I didnt expect them to completely melt my head right off my body, but thats what happened. I left my brain on the floor of the Cake Shop, surely to be scraped up and filtered into next mornings coffee. Third Memory was AMAZING! Really liked it was an understatement... I havent seen a unknown (to me) band live and been that impressed in, well, maybe never... Truly sick. Great stage presence, awesome sound. They reminded me of an amped up Daitro on crack. Pushing four times the melody in half the time. Sean and I just kept looking at each other with awe in our faces... then we both went and bought their record. Very nice design on it to. The record below is the French release, and the American release has a great silkscreened cover, white on black w/ silver (Released on I've Come For Your Children, Ryan from CUTCs record label.

All in all it was an incredible night, and Sean and I just kept talking about how good both of those bands were.

Here are some pics I grabbed of both the bands, and goodies after the jump. I have a decent video of the last song, track 10, from CUTC, but youtube says its too big, so I have to figure out how to shrink it. Any advice, you know where to comment.


Do these bands a favor and if you order, order directly from them, as they barely make any money and they do this mostly for the love. Also, if you really like this stuff, do them an even bigger favor and show your appreciation by either writing to them or seeing them at a show and telling them they rock. It takes so little to make something so worthwhile... enjoy.

Cease Upon The Capitol - EP (2007)

The Third Memory - Et de Cela Rien ne Ressort (2007)


Blogger Walt said...

w00t for almost nudes. Bands rule.

1:20 AM  
Blogger papstar said...

Looks like an amazing time mang....glad you got to go. This goes back to me living vicariously through you again:P The third memory is pretty good. I have their album from 2003...never heard anything else by them, and never really knew that much. Thanks for the new album.

Here is their older album.

The Third Memory - The Gathering of Distorted Souls in the Garden of Utopia (2003)


1:56 AM  
Blogger Walt said...

Pap check the noose thread at pv.

2:05 AM  
Blogger Paint Your Lips said...

Thanks for the other album, Papstar !

Third Memory sounds amazing !
Damn, You must have had one hell of a blast at that show, Blend ! :)

6:07 AM  
Blogger Paint Your Lips said...

Btw, What camera do you have?

8:43 AM  
Blogger blend77 said...

its a Canon Powershot A75... its an older model..

takes decent pics though...

that show was fun...

seeing Caspian on the 30th, will definitely get some pics of that too....

10:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

great picks... I usually get a bunch of white bloats on my pictures in closed spaces. I think the flash bounces off particles and messes up everything. I also have a canon camera. I am downloading the files. Thx for posting!

1:45 PM  
Blogger METRO/SEA said...

Thanks for sharing these Blend! These posts have reinvigorated me to want to go to shows again.

2:28 PM  
Blogger blend77 said...

youre welcome. yeah, getting out to shows again has been a blast... its been a while....

as for the camera, i dont use flash most of the time, but sometimes i do... i just mess with the manual settings on the camera, in terms of exposure, f-stop, shutter speed and the likes...

3:23 PM  
Blogger Paint Your Lips said...

Yeah, it only has like 3 MP's, but it has loads of settings you can play with. I have a Canon eos 350D, the two cameras has a lot of the same abilities even though the cost is quite different.

Oh, I'm gonna order some The Third Memory and CUTC next week when I get my paycheck. Thanks for another great band, blend !

5:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks a whole bunch. Will definitely have to see these guys if they come by my way.

1:09 AM  
Blogger blend77 said...

Paint Your Lips, I drool over your camera!

My girlfriend just got a lower end EOS...
the Digital Rebel XTi. It takes wonderful pics, but shes still learning all the things its capable of... so I am expecting some great things from that camera.

and youre welcome for the tunes!

11:05 AM  
Blogger Walt said...

Tim try the other video upload sites like Stage 6 or dailymotion. I don't know if they have limits on upload size

11:37 AM  
Blogger blend77 said...

thanks walt! i will...

2:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

can you reup' the 3rd memory albums ?


1:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

please, reupload the "Et de Cela Rien ne Ressort" album. thanks

12:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

please, reupload the "Et de Cela Rien ne Ressort" album. thanks..

9:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I booked this show in Kent, OH. I was already a big fan of both Cease Upon the Capitol and The Third Memory, but I can't even express in words how great a show it was!

6:09 AM  

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