Comadre / Trainwreck / Saddest Landscape / Black Kites - ABC No Rio - TOMORROW! 3PM...

Yet another show I will be attending... this is a matinee though it probably wont start on time. 4 bands, 4 doses of awesome. If you dont know these bands, I suggest you get jiggy with the google search and start finding out.
Black Kites 3 song sampler can be found somewhere in the archives here. It rules.
Again, if you see me, say hi. Much greater chance of me meeting people at this show than the previous show at Webster Hall...
And dont forget, the Van Pelt is playing shows again! Tomorrow (Saturday) they are playing somewhere, and if I dont go, someone is going to pay, in blood. (You'd think someone would say something like that about Agnostic Front or something, but no, I'm ready to get violent over some pre-emo twinkly indie band.)
so did you get to see the van pelt?
Yoooo Blend I will have to start learning Japanese cause all of that Spam!! dude I downloaded all the albums by Comadre OMG dude that band rocks man! Good show. Jeremy From DR
You're gonna love Trainwreck, awesome live. A wall of sound destruction.
hooray, your writings on theater and writing much missed!
hooray, your writings on theater and writing much missed!
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