This is the other half of Tim's brain. The left side. He's been pretty busy lately with work deadlines so he hasn't had much time to think about anything musical. He also is leaving for Seattle tomorrow to be the best man in one of his greatest friends weddings. He will be gone for four days so in the meantime he thought it would be an opportune time to drop a little Bl'ast! on you. He was reading something on Lo-Res Viscera about skateboarding in the 80's and listening to Bl'ast! so he did just that, except the skating took place in his mind. You know those silly right brain types, always fussing with things that arent real, day dreaming, ideas, etc. etc. I am the side of the brain that is more concerned with real things. This writing business isn't for me.
Well, the sonic assault of California's Bl'ast! is pretty real. Theres no doubt about that. A few spins and you will know just how real it is. They say that Bl'ast! was more Black Flag than Black Flag, or the later parts at least, so I hear, but thats a load of conjecture. All I care for is hard facts. And its a hard fact that Bl'ast! rules.
Tim's capricious Right Brain will be floating back this way sometime next week, when hes done partying in Seattle and drawing silly little elephants on surfboards back at the office.
For now, feel the realness.
This has been a message from Tim's Left Brain, Bl'ast! and the letter 'B'

Bl'ast! - The Power Of Expression (1986)

Bl'ast! - It's In My Blood (1987)
PS! - Check out the links on the right. We added some new ones and I even made sure Mr. Right Brain spelled everything correctly. I also made him alphabetize it. Silly guy, what would he do without me?
This is the other half of Tim's brain. The left side. He's been pretty busy lately with work deadlines so he hasn't had much time to think about anything musical. He also is leaving for Seattle tomorrow to be the best man in one of his greatest friends weddings. He will be gone for four days so in the meantime he thought it would be an opportune time to drop a little Bl'ast! on you. He was reading something on Lo-Res Viscera about skateboarding in the 80's and listening to Bl'ast! so he did just that, except the skating took place in his mind. You know those silly right brain types, always fussing with things that arent real, day dreaming, ideas, etc. etc. I am the side of the brain that is more concerned with real things. This writing business isn't for me.
Well, the sonic assault of California's Bl'ast! is pretty real. Theres no doubt about that. A few spins and you will know just how real it is. They say that Bl'ast! was more Black Flag than Black Flag, or the later parts at least, so I hear, but thats a load of conjecture. All I care for is hard facts. And its a hard fact that Bl'ast! rules.
Tim's capricious Right Brain will be floating back this way sometime next week, when hes done partying in Seattle and drawing silly little elephants on surfboards back at the office.
For now, feel the realness.
This has been a message from Tim's Left Brain, Bl'ast! and the letter 'B'

Bl'ast! - The Power Of Expression (1986)

Bl'ast! - It's In My Blood (1987)
PS! - Check out the links on the right. We added some new ones and I even made sure Mr. Right Brain spelled everything correctly. I also made him alphabetize it. Silly guy, what would he do without me?